Sunday 30 June 2013

New Crew and Fat Seals

There is now a substantial gathering of Round Britain gaffers at Eyemouth with 7 or 8 boats including Minstrel and Windbreker who we last saw in Stornoway. Bonita also has the benefit of new crew, full of energy and enthusiasm and keen to go. Geoff and Guy were both with me at medical school, so whatever else we may be lacking we are able to offer a variety of opinions on any medical subject.

Many harbours have their resident seals but the Eyemouth inhabitants seem fatter than most. They follow the fishing boats and get regularly rewarded. Visiting children can buy fish scraps from the fisherman and throw them to the seals who always play their part and can be relied on to put on a good display. Everyone benefits from this neat arrangement. Though the seals  may be obese they are pretty agile and when thrown a fragment of fish can usually intercept it before the seagulls swoop.

There are rumours of some kind of organised activity tomorrow, but we will wait to see what the weather looks like.

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